I am a Seven Year Survivor

I found out I had cancer in May 2002 after finding a lump in my right breast. I had a mammogram a few months before and nothing showed up. My surgeon performed a lumpectomy the next week and he called me the next day to tell me the biopsy came back maligiant. I went to his office and he explained my options recommending a bilateral masectomy with reconstruction . In June he performed a sentinel node biopsy and a masectomy on both breast with reconstructive started at the same time. In July had surgery to remove an expander due to infection.. I started my chemotherapy treatments in August taking one every 21 days for 8 treatments. I finished my chemotherapy in February 2003.

I had lost my husband to lung cancer 2000 so I was devasted when I heard the news and immediately thought of dying. My priorities in life changed and today I live for now. I have learned to LIVE - LAUGH - LOVE. I love my hair and still wear a wig to feel good about my self as I'm very self conscious about my looks and appearance. Life is short so tell the people in your life you love them.

I encourage all women to have your annual mammograms and do your self checks. Call your doctor,get a second opinion if needed as it affects the rest of your life. Join a support group and no matter how hard it is to talk about your cancer talk to your friends and family and let them know how your feeling. No matter how strong you think you are let your family help. Thanks to my family I am a 7 year survivor.

Marilyn Penrod
Oklahoma City, OK