How my cat saved my life

It had been two years since my last mammogram in 2012 and I had decided to wait another year. My cat, however, had other plans for me. Mr. Magooo, the love of my life that I had had for 11 years, started actively sitting on my left breast. He also would come up and sniff and stare at this location constantly. One day, after a hard poke from him, I decided to make my mammogram appointment, thinking this was very odd behavior from him and could he be trying to tell me something.

After the mammogram, I left the clinic and by the time I got home received the phone call that changed my life. I was called back in for a diagnostic mammogram, biopsy and breast MRI. It was confirmed, I had early state Invasive Ductal Carcinoma of my left breast. I went through a Lumpectomy, Sentinel Node Biopsy and 7 weeks of of Radiation and all thru that time Mr. Magooo was by my side. Magooo was not the up close and cuddly kind of cat, but I have to say all thru my treatment he was there for me, cuddling with me every chance he could. Sadly, within 7 months of leaving radiation treatment, Mr. Magooo passed away peacefully. Had it not been from my cat's constant attention to my left breast, I would have waited another year to have the mammogram done and probably wouldn't be here today.

I owe my life to Mr. Magooo. He has left paw prints on my heart forever and I will never forget those months after surgery how well he took good care of me. He gave me reason to go on after treatment. I will never forget you Mr. Magooo.

Northern Virginia

Centreville, VA