Happy "40th" Birthday!

On my 40th birthday my best friend treated me to a massage. When I rolled over onto my stomach I immediately felt the lump in my breast. I couldn't wait for the massage to be over. At age 26 I had some fibroid cysts so I figured that's what this was and decided I wasn't going to freak out about it. I figured I would call my doctor when life wasn't so hectic and crazy. A couple days later my 2 1/2 year old son and I were goofing around and something just made both us stop and stare at each other. In that moment I decided I couldn't ignore or be so casual about this lump. I called and made an appointment the next morning. When I went in they first did a mammogram. When the tech came back from showing the doctor the scan she said that he needed a few more pictures, I started to worry. From that moment on it's been a flurry of activity. Before I left the doctors office that day they also performed an ultrasound and a biopsy. I could tell by the way they were all holding my hand and speaking to me that I had cancer. I have an incredible team and am scheduled for a double mastectomy with reconstructive surgery in a little over a week. So far, fear has not gotten the best of me and when it does I look into my sons beautiful blue eyes and I know I want to look there for many many more years! The support from family and friends has been overwhelming in such a good way. It's also an incredible honor how many woman have contacted me saying that they have scheduled their mammograms! For my friends, family, women everywhere and most importantly my beautiful son, I WILL FIGHT AND I WILL WIN!

Highwood, IL