Greatful For My Scar!

Oct. 2006; I thought we had it all; friends, family, nice home, nice jobs ect... until I thought I felt a small lump on my right breast when I did a self examination (SO IMPORTANT TO DO LADIES!) in the shower. Wasn't a big deal; serious things were not going to happen to me. It was probably fatty tissue or too much caffeine.....right? WRONG!

A few days went by and I thought, "Well, maybe I should have Bun (my husbands nickname) check it....just to be sure." Sure enough he felt it and told me to get it checked since I already had to have cryo-therapy for cervical cancer a few years earlier.

About a week later I went to my scheduled appointment and to make a long story short, I was told it was "nothing." Well, "nothing" felt like SOMETHING but we were so busy with the moving and getting things packed. I pushed the thoughts to the back of my head....explaining to myself that this Dr. would know, after-all he found the cervical cancer!

I finally decided once we got settled in Kansas I would get a Dr. and have this inconvenience checked out again; by this time I thought it had actually gotten bigger and harder.

I had now lost my father who passed with no notice and a few months had gone by. It was now April of 2007 and I scheduled an appointment with Dr. Stephanie and decided a physical is what I needed.

My Dr. is my hero.

Within two weeks of finding the lump she was having it removed.

It is now May of 2010 and I am loving life & cancer free!

Kathleen Munday-McGuire
Cheney, KS