Get Your Mammogram Report!

I was diagnosed with invasive ductal and lubular breast cancer in October 2008 at the age of 44. I asked myself how this could have happened since I had been so faithful in getting my annual mammograms and check ups? It was discovered that a radiologist had noted on my mammogram report a "mass" in that breast 2 years prior, but had never called me, and my referring physician MISSED it in his report to her. I went through a single breast mastectomy and chemo therapy for a year for the aggressive her2 form of breast cancer. I had reconstruction surgery 8 months after my surgery and, although permanently disfigured, I can look normal in clothing.
In the summer of 2009 I got up the courage to call my referring physician about her mistake and asked her to please tell all of her patients to get their transcribed mammogram reports. This is your medical record, and as a patient and you have the right to have it. Do not just settle for the letter they send to you in the mail telling your to "come back next year". If I had seen the words "incidental mass" in that report in 2007, my cancer may have been caught much earlier and I may have been able to save my breast. Medical mistakes happen, and I am grateful to be alive, but knowing that it was all because somebody didn't do their job in the medical field will always haunt me. If I can spare just one woman from going through what I did, then I will tell everyone who will listen, PLEASE get your transcribed report! I have written about my breast cancer journey at

Northern Virginia, VA