Fought Like A Girl

My name is Diana Roche. In August 2003, I found out just how much of a fighter I really was. I had been feeling "not myself" for months and after numerous visits to the physician, was told i was a hypochondriac and to come back when there was really something wrong. Luckily, shortly after being told this, I found a lump in my left breast after a shower one day.

At age 29, I was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer, negative for estrogen and progesterone. After a very short discussion with my husband and my parents, I decided right away that I was going to have a left mastectomy. This would be followed by chemotherapy.

The hardest part about having breast cancer was the fear of dying and leaving my two young boys without a mother. After surgery, my oldest son, age 11 at the time, overheard his father telling his girlfriend that I for sure had cancer. I was getting settled in at home after surgery and received a phone call from my son asking, "mommy, do you have cancer?" I had not yet prepared myself for this conversation. I answered, "yes." Next question was, "Are you going to die?" I REALLY had not prepared myself to answer that question! I fought back the tears, took a deep breathe and told him, "Absoutely not!"

I believe that was the day my strength and fight came to light. The numerous surgeries, the chemotherapy, the sickness, the baldness. That was easy compared to believing enough in myself to make my children believe and my family believe that I was a fighter and "Yes," I was going to survive.

The biggest things I want people to take away from my story is to ALWAYS listen to your body. We know ourselves better than anyone and know when somethings not right. Surround yourself with positivity and love. And....believe in yourself, believe your a fighter, believe your a survivor!

All my Love,
Diana Roche

Diana Roche
Elyria, OH