Forever Forward

I found my lump on 02/04/14. I was driving home talking on the phone with my Mom and was telling her my left shoulder was hurting really bad. Thought I had slept on it wrong, was really painful. When I got home I checked my shoulder and under my arm, couldn't find anything unusual. Then I checked my left breast and found a lump the size of a quarter. I freaked, ask my husband if he could feel the same thing, and of course he did.

On 02/18/14, my husband held my hand as we were told "Its Breast Cancer". My world as I knew it would forever be changed. I was in shock, scared, and confused.
All I could think was what the next step was, I have to survive, I have a wonderful 6 year old son that needs me.

The following week I met with the breast surgeon, she immediately sent me for test and scans.
Stage IIB ER+ +PR+ GER2+. The tumor on my lymph node was the reason for my pain (1out 8 positive lymph nodes.) I had to start chemo ASAP, 6 rounds of chemo, I then opted for bilateral mastectomy, with immediate reconstruction.

As of 8/21/14 I am Cancer Free! It has not been an easy journey, but so worth it. My husband has been my rock and was right by my side through it all; I am so blessed to have him. Our son was a trooper and let me rest when I needed to and was there to cheer me up and remind me why I was fighting. Our family and friends were so amazing and supportive; I don’t think I could ever really truly thank them enough.

Though I still have to do 30 rounds of radiation and to complete my reconstruction surgery, I am starting to get my life back, my new wonderful cancer free life. Forever Forward.

Ladies get your mammograms, do your monthly self-exams and always remember you are way stronger that you know.

Tucson, AZ