For my 65th Birthday, I got my overdue mammogram

For my 65th birthday, I had a mammogram. One week later, I was notified that additional views were needed, which were done the next day. I also had ultrasounds and a biopsy the same morning. Two days later, on 2/10/10, I had my diagnosis of breast cancer. After the initial shock, I put out my request for prayers. Within the hour, I became a breast cancer survivor. My surgery was 2/24/10. Chemo starts 3/31. God is leading me, walking with me, and sometimes carrying me on this journey. My husband, family, extended family, friends and strangers are praying for me, giving me strength, courage and peace to travel this road. It is a "WE" journey. We are not alone on this path we did not choose; and God, prayers and our positive attitudes will pull us through. I already see the light at the end of the tunnel. My name is Susan Victorious.

Susan Heimbigner
Sumter, SC