First 90 Days

I am a 34 single female. October 20, 2009 I was told "you have breast cancer". My life changed in a moment. I had not told anyone of my appointment and quickly found myself on the phone with my parents and my best friend to share the news. My mom and my best friend were on a plane the next morning to begin an incredible journey with me. From that day my journey has been one that has had many twists and turns along the way. My tumor was aggressive and growing daily, originally measured 10cm. I had a PET scan, a biopsy, a medi-port and chemo within 10 days. My first round of chemo showed instant results as my tumor began to shrink and for the first time I had some relief from the constant discomfort. But that would not last, after 2 weeks the tumor began to grow again and I was sent for an emergency Right Modified Radical Mastectomy which produced a 4lb 7 oz tumor measuring 15 cm. Yes, that's pounds! Followed up with a with a revision surgery 1 week later. From surgery I began radiation and an oral chemotherapy. Christmas Eve a second tumor returned to the same area as the first and I had a second biopsy and PET scan following the holidays. Results proved another tumor and cancer in another lymphnode in my chest. Surgery to remove the tumor the first week of January and the second lymphnode with cancer is being treated with radiation and new chemotherapy. I've recently started my third chemotherapy. January 20th marks 90 days, what a ride. I walk in confidence that the Lord will deliver me through this journey and I rest in His peace. I continue moving forward, whatever my lot, I will praise Him.

Jennifer Cunningham
Dallas, TX