Fighting a battle I did not choose.

The words no woman wants to hear, you have breast cancer. In 2010 I had a breast reduction. I ate pretty healthy and always worked out at least 3-4 times a week. There was a spot on my right breast that was monitored every six months since 2010. In 2012 my left breast turned hard on the side. I was told it was scar tissue from the previous breast reduction. Fast forward six months checkup, left breast is getting harder. Again, told scar tissue even though they could feel the mass on the left. At this point I am trusting the Dr.s. I moved to another state, and went in for my annual exam 12/29/13 and my new Dr. feels the mass on the left breast, orders a mammogram and ultrasound that I had done after the holidays in mid-January 2014. They looked at me like I was crazy when I told them it was just scar tissue. They said I would have to have a biopsy to be sure. The biopsy was done by the same team 2/13/14. I got the call at work that changed my life.” I am sorry Mrs. Jones, you have breast cancer”. I was diagnosed with Stage 3A breast cancer in the left breast. Lobular Carcinoma that is impossible to detect by mammogram and ultrasound. My world went into a fast track of appointments to prepare for surgery, all while still holding down a full time job. On March 18, 2014, a week before my 49th birthday I had a double mastectomy. Pathology found that the "spot" on the right was cancer as well, with positive lymph nodes on both axillae areas. My port was placed and I started chemo 5/2014, with three more months to go.
We did not choose this battle and to make it you have to have faith in something. I choose to hold on to God and his glory. I have grandchildren and daughters to see through their milestones in life, so I have to just push through the bad so I can see the good once again.

Denese Jones
Sugar Land, TX