Feeling Blessed

My story begins November 30, 2010 with going to my yearly well visit appt. My doctor was examining me when she press and her hurt. I saw stars! She thought nothing of it but said she would order a ultrasound for me when I went to my mammogram appt. the following week. The mammogram showed nothing, feeling relieved. The dr. then did the ultrasound and that's when he saw the small tumor, followed by a biopsy. I was terrified! Went home and waited for 24 hrs. The call came and I heard the word "Cancer" there was nothing else I heard after those words. I was completely numb. I called my sister immediately to tell my parents. I knew I couldn't do it. I decided to wait on telling my boys who were away at school. My family and friends were by my side that night I was diagnosed. I so needed them there. On December 5, 2010 I met with my surgeon who told us in detail what type of cancer it was and then proceeded to go over options. Before, he said another word I said " doctor I want a bilateral mastectomy" he then called the reconstruction surgeon and I saw him that Monday. Surgery was scheduled for December 22, 2010. My surgery went very well, lymph nodes were clean. Now recovery time. My mom(also a survivor of 14 years) did everything for me from cooking, to bringing meds in the middle of the night to making sure I exercised. Dad, he was walking me outside everyday.(God Bless them both) They are amazing. I also had to have the BRCA gene test done. "Negative" WooHoo!!! The next appointment a week later after surgery it was back to the surgeon to hear the results. It was all good news! Went to the oncologist received more good news, no meds to take. My very last appt. April 1, 2010 received my breast implants. I feel truly blessed, and love helping woman who are going through it. Staying Positive, Family and Friends...That's the best medicine!

Sandy Damelio-McGillicuddy
Rochester, NY