February 13, 2014, the day my life was forever changed 💕

Sitting in class, my phone rings, it's the doctor's office. I jump up anxious to finally rid my mind of worry. From the other end of the phone I hear, "You have breast cancer." Everything goes dark. Shock followed by a full on panic attack...wait, what? Me? No way, I'm 27...I have 2 kids... Oh no the kids...my husband, I have to tell him...What about my mom?.. Must be a mistake, dear God please let it be a mistake! This is a small window into my mind when I answered the call no one ever wants to receive. As I write this 9 months later, I have grown and learned in ways I could never explain to anyone other than other survivors. I underwent chemotherapy weekly from March to July and I continue every three weeks until March 2015 (HER2+). Due to unexpected complications I will be having surgery number 4 this week, followed by a few more. I never knew how strong I was until I had to fight for my life, not only my life but the life of my children's mother, my husband's wife, my parent's daughter. There have been times during my battle I have shown courage and times I've shown weakness. Times I wanted to give up and times nothing could stop me. The love around me has kept me going. Going into this, I told myself that failure was not an option. I deserve this life and nothing, especially not cancer, is going to keep me from raising my children and living my life. I have been so incredibly touched by those who have helped me throughout this nightmare. In my times of darkness, you are my light.

Ashley Oliver
Foley, MO