Family story

My story is one of 3 women. My mother was diagnosed with her 2nd bout of BC in Oct. 2013 and had her mastectomy surgery in Dec. 2014. Because of her having her 2nd bout I became more diligent about doing breast exams. I had my yearly mammogram and check ups in May 2013 and all was well. After mom was diagnosed and I was more diligent with checking I found an area that was sore to touch and seemed to feel different. I have dense breast so I am lumpy anyway. I made excuses like, I was drinking more caffeine, stress, also exercising so that spot was sore. I did the genetic testing and I am not BRCA1 or 2. In January 2014, I happened to raise my arms while doing a self exam and noticed a puckering, I knew at that moment I had BC. I went to the doctors in February and was diagnosed with ILC stage IIB 1/16 nodes positive. In March 2014, I went in for my bilateral mastectomy, 16 nodes removed, immediate reconstruction, plus elective tubes and ovaries removed. Then it was on to chemo, I was to undergo 6, but only tolerated 5. I was thankful for all of the support I had. Because my mom went through this 14 years ago with mastectomy and chemo and then again in December with just mastectomy (no nodal involvement) she was a pro and walked me step by step through it. As I was going through my treatment, my sister was diagnosed with malignant neuroendocrine tumors in her pancreas, which are linked to BC, which she had 12 years ago having had a partial mastectomy and 33 treatments of radiation. This cancer has effected my grandmother, 2 aunts (1 of whom passed because of it), my mother, my sister and now myself. I am so hoping they find a cure because I have 2 daughters and I am hoping they do not have to go through this nightmare.

York Haven, PA