Family History

My grandmother died of breast cancer. She battled it for years, having to have her whole left breast removed and many chemo treatments. My aunt and great grandmother also battled, both of them surviving. A family friend also battled breast cancer a few years ago, but didn't let it take her life. I don't remember my grandmother, but was old enough to watch this friend go through her battle, shave her head, and often couldn't even go to her school to teach her students, who I know for a fact were praying for her every day. I am only a teenager but have had this fear that because I have a family history that I too will have to battle this mysterious disease. I just want everyone to help in any way you can, and if you don't have the money to donate, or are too young, you can say a prayer, believe in God, and support those who battle cancer everyday.

St. Joseph, MO