Faith, Family and Fun

I have always had a routine mammogram and on Oct. 21, 2013 I got the news I had lobular BC in my right breast. I had a PET scan done and found out I also had BC in my left breast. I chose to do the bilateral mastectomy because the thought of radiation coming from both sides was a horrid thought. I did not want to even imagine what the damage down the road would be. I got lucky and only one lymph node was involved. I ended up having 7 surgeries on this journey of mine. Many were for necrotic tissue on my left breast. The AC chemo caused me to have blood clots, the Taxol caused me to have an expander taken out and caused a yeast infection in my mouth which I call a tongue fungus. Throughout it all I had my faith, my family, and many friends. A fundraiser was done to alleviate the burden of the copays and meds. Hats were knit to keep my head warm. Many came to visit. Through it all I kept a positive attitude that life is worth laughing about and worth living. I did take time off from work because for once in my life I was going to take care of me. Being from a family of 11, having 4 kids, and all the loved from my nieces and nephews kept me going. I took every set back in stride. God with with me all the way and that made it so much easier. I am getting ready to return to work but I still have my reconstruction to do next year. Life is Good! God is great!

I survived: 3 hospital stays, 7 surgeries, 4 AC and 12 Taxol chemos, over 50 appointments (and more to come), 2 bouts with cellulitis, pulmonary embolisms, and a tongue fungus. All with a smile and a laugh. Cancer did not take me down.

Marjorie Markham
Hickory, NC