Expect the unexpected

I was diagosed with breast cancer in Nov 2008. No lump, just a tender patch and an instinct something was wrong, combined with extreme tiredness. I had mamograms which showed breast cancer in 70% of my breast tissue, some was invasive, one tumour 30 mm. I went to the Royal Marsden in London, excercising my right to patient choice under the NHS. They were brilliant, did a breast reduction in order to try and save my breasts, it did not work. I then had 11.5 hours of surgery a double mastectomy and reconstruction, many complications especially with the stomach wound, the tissue used for reconstruction. Six weeks into recovery someone called, a man I had known for a couple of years. He came round for a cup of tea to see how I was. Or so I thought. The cancer diagnosis had woken him up, first he asked about my prognosis, then he asked if I would consider a committed relationship with him! To which in a state of shock I said yes. We are still together, my sentinal lymph node biopsy was negative, I turned down the option of Chemo and as I am a natural therapists am using herbs to boost my immune system. It just goes to show though you never can guess what may happen even in your darkest hours.

Wells, United Kingdom