Estrogen related Breast cancer

Sept 14,2013 Changed my life as I went into see my doctor as I had back pain in both shoulder blades and I never had back pain before. after an exam I was told a possible pulled muscle because of my work, I cleaned for 48 apartments, which means move stoves, oven, climb on ladders. I would snow blow in the winter so of course a pulled muscle is what it had to be.
The pain would not go away and then the pain started in my ribs I knew this was not a pulled muscle and demanded to be seen by my doctor and get some test done, after 3 cat scans, 1 EKG, 1 Chest X-Ray, then to a Liver Biopsy I received the news I had Breast Cancer in an E-mail (yes an Email) I was scheduled an office visit with an oncologist 5 days later.
The First meeting with my oncologist He informs me I have stage 4 Breast cancer, I say that's impossible I had just 5 months ago had my mammogram with a follow up ultra sound and was given the all clear, as a matter of fact I have the letter they sent me congratulating me that all was good and did not have to have a follow up for another year. He then tells me my Breast cancer is estrogen related ( due to the hormone pills I was on for 13 years after a hysterectomy at age 28) This type of cancer is Breast cancer that is not in the breast, it spread into my liver and my bones. I then find out there is no amount of chemo or radiation that will stop this, this is a non curable, spreadable cancer but it is a slow cancer. It's been 6 and half months and I am still in shock, I have daily struggles, but I also have a lot of Faith, I came to realize my life is not up to the doctors, its in "God's Time !!!

Upper Wisconsin, WI