Eating to LIVE

Hello I am a 38 year old Breast Cancer Survivor! I was diagnosed a little over a year ago (stage 3) The Drs. ALL were insisting on Chemo or removing my breast! Well That was NOT an option in my book! I told the Drs. there is NO WAY that I am going to go through Chemo!! They told me but you HAVE TO it is going to save your life! As soon as I heard the word "Chemo" Something came over me and gave me the strength to battle this Evil monster on my own! I became a Vegan IMMEDIATELY I went and read tons of books watched many documentaries TOTALLY changed the way I eat which is a little beyond Vegan nothing processed refined or FAKE Everything RAW or Whole! Well about 3 months later I went back to the Dr. had another Biopsy and he was absolutely AMAZED when my results came back!! 100% CANCER FREE!!! I beat this evil monster simply by changing my diet! I did this all on my own! People were totally against my idea constantly telling me that I should get the Chemo!! I can tell you this I have NEVER in my entire life felt better so much energy and such a great outlook on life. Now I would never tell anyone to go against their Drs. orders as I have done All I can say is this worked for me!!! :) Blessings to ALL that have to go through this horrible disease I give my support ALL I CAN to those in need! And I am more than willing to help ANYONE in ANYWAY possible!! I wish you ALL the best of luck through your battle! God Bless!!! Please feel free to contact me for any advice I may give!

Dix Hills, NY