All I can say is EARLY DETECTION!!!!
In November I went to see my gynecologist.He suggested that I get a mammogram now that I am 40. I had my mammogram done at Providence Breast Health Center (Fabulous Place and Fabulous People). Right after the mammogram the technician, Letricia (WONDERFUL) told me that she saw a problem area and could guarantee that they would be calling me back for a second look. I was a little worried but nothing to lose sleep about. My second look appointment was the following day and they told me afterwards that the tech would call me when they had time to review and the shots taken. In the next few days I received a phone call from Shawna Lucus(Fabulous) the nurse navigator. She told me that they did find some suspicious areas on the left area and I would need to have a biopsy. I had my biopsy done and awaited the results. Now, I started to get a little worried. On December 23rd, I got the phone call that changed my life forever. Shawna called and said they found DCIS in the left breast. feel in his arms and We met with Dr. Miltenburg and discussed all the options and what she could do for me. I decided to go with a double bilateral mastectomy. I had my surgery on February 25th 2010. Everything went well during the surgery and I came home to recover. WOW! Recovery was hard! I have NEVER experienced anything SO painful and the HOTFLASHES!! But I have a wonderful husband that tended to every need which made everything a little more bearable. IF it weren't for early detection I would have never know anything was wrong!!

Robinson, TX