Early Detection Saved Me

I had an infection in my right breast that wouldn't go away. Finally after two months my doctor sent me to get a mammogram.
The technician was very chatty when doing the mammogram on my right breast but got very quiet when it came to the left. I just knew then.
A biopsy confirmed my worst fear, I had breast cancer.
I opted for a lumpectomy and radiation. If it hadn't been for the breast infection (that mysteriously went away immediately after my mammogram), I wouldn't have gone in.
I had been very lazy about getting regular mammograms prior to this and it might have been too late.
I am currently 8 days away from having my radiation completed.
I am looking forward to paying it forward. I have had the unwavering support of my amazing husband and wonderful friends. Some old and the new ones I've met on this incredible journey. It's been difficult but I wouldn't trade this experience because I am alive.

Redding, CA