Early Detection is the Key

I have been a volunteer for the Greater Nashville chapter of Susan G. Komen. I have always had a passion for breast cancer awareness. Last year, I went for an annual mammogram because I thought I felt a lump during a self-exam. A few days after the mammogram, I was asked to come back in for an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed I needed to have a biopsy. During this time, I began to get very nervous. The biopsy I would have to say was the most uncomfortable thing I had been through in my life. A few weeks later my doctor called to let me know I had been diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma In Situ (DCIS). I wanted to cry, but I was thankful it had been detected early. Thank God my husband was right there with me. As soon as I was diagnosed the men in my family took a vow to NOT cut their hair until I was given the all-clear. Because of my age (38), my doctors told me they were going to attack it aggressively. In January of this year, I had two lumpectomies. I began radiation in March. I had 25 rounds of radiation. I am now healing from the radiation and dealing with fluid build-up. I know that I will continue to heal and am thankful everyday that my breast cancer was detected early. Early detection is the key. Please do your monthly self exams and annual mammograms. I am preparing to have my Victory Celebration in a few weeks! I am a survivor and I praise God!! I would not have made it through without God and a STRONG support system. I am thankful to be alive and able to see my three children grow up.

Lynette Boone
Hermitage/Nashville, TN