Early Detection is important!

It was time for my yearly mammogram....at age 44, I had only had one done. It wasn't as bad as I had feared, yet it still wasn't the most pleasant thing and so I see-sawed back and forth about making an appt. to get my next one. Finally, the fact that it was free w/my insurance decided me and I went. Never in a million years did I expect to get a phone call asking me to come back in for more pictures and possibly a sonogram. I was really nervous, but kept telling myself, it was nothing. My friends told me it was probably nothing and I wanted to believe this. I went in and had the pictures taken, then had a sonogram and the technician told me "I am concerned." My heart leaped in my chest. She said "we need to do a biopsy". I had the biopsy and was told that I would have to wait at least a week, but that I would be hearing from my regular doctor. I was on pins and needles for four days when I got that fateful phone call....Cancer. But I have a message of hope in that it was caught early enough that it was only stage 1. I had a lumpectomy and then only had to have radiation; a fact that I am still praising God for. I am on hormone blocker therapy and, God willing, that will be the end of that. God took me through that journey and brought me through it to the other side, and along the way, He blessed me in the comfort and support of my sisters in Christ and my sisters in Pink. I am a survivor!

Lenny Lee Sanders
College Station, TX