Earlier Testing

My story begins 10 years ago. I was 29 and just had my first daughter. A lump appeared under my arm, so doctor gave me antibotics and said I was fine. Four years later, second daughter and repeat story. Then again four years later, younger the idea. When my last baby was 9 months, I felt a lump in my right breast. It was October 2013 and pink was everywhere. I made an appointment. The nurse said she actually felt two and gave me an order for an ultrasound. Finally! At this time I was 38, and needed an order for any test.
The day of the ultrasound everything happened fast. I ended up getting the ultrasound, mammogram and core biopsy one after the other. I was too clueless to know this was it good. Four days later, I got the call. Three spots were found and all were cancer. I went into hyper mode because I KNEW now without a doubt the lymph node under my arm was also involved. Five days later, the day after my 39th birthday, I went into to surgery for a bilateral masectomy. I was in battle mode!
The doctor confirmed that it had spread into my lymph nodes. I was at MD Anderson three weeks later. Once there, I was found to have an internal lymph node close to my lung that was cancerous as well. I was official diagnosed Stage 3c invasive ductal carcinoma. I have been traveling for the last six months for chemo. I have the wig thing down:). I have my last infusion May 14th! Radiation follows for another seven weeks. It is all worth it though! I have to do what I can to be here for my three girls. Life will not be the same, but that doesn't mean it had to be worse. I get more joy in simple things now with my sweet girls and husband.

Jodi Pipes
Monroe, LA