Don't ever think you are cured...

My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 50. She had two lumpectomies, refused radiation therapy and took Tomoxifen for 5 years. After 5 years she was in remission and for all intents and purposes cured. Two years later she fell and hurt her hip. She started walking with a cane. Then my brothers' dog knocked her over and she hurt her knee. She went to many different doctors and tried many different treatments, but kept getting worse. I tried to get her to go to better doctors, recommending Jefferson University Hospital, but she refused. Soon she was unable to walk and had to get a wheelchair. By then we found out that her cancer had returned and metastasized and was all over her body. In July of 2007 the doctor gave her 6 months to a year to live and she died 5 weeks later, at 58.

This isn't very inspirational, but it could be educational. If she had kept on top of things and been more proactive about her health, she might have been able to attend my wedding last year. Don't play games when it comes to your health. Putting things off could mean the difference between a life-saving surgery and a death sentence. Be well. People love you and you are too important to slip away. This is why we need universal health care, so women aren't forced to choose between their health and their credit score.

RIP MWW - 12/6/1948 - 8/21/2007
Mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend, artist, animal lover, employer, dancer, singer, piano player, avid reader, good Samaritan, Girl Scout Counselor, comedienne, and my best friend.

"The world is a darker place without MWW in it."

Salem, NJ