Do not ignore your mammograms

In 1998 my sister was diagnosed with breast cancer. She had a large lump on her breast for some time before she actually went to the doctor. She was afraid of the diagnosis. She had a mastectomy and chemo. In 2003 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Unlike my sister, I kept up on my mammograms. The spot where the cancer was, had been watched by the technologists for years. Suddenly it changed and they suspected cancer. I had a test which confirmed that it was cancer. Because I had kept up on my mamograms, the spot was so small that the biopsy got it all. But I also had a centinel lumpectomy, The surgeon went to the spot where the cancer was and took out more tissue and then four of my lymph nodes. I had six weeks of radiation and today I am cancer free. My sister passed away in 2005. Her cancer came back and took her life. Early dectection is the key.

West Chicago, IL