
I was diagnosed with breast cancer 5 years ago almost 6.Since then it's been a emotional roller coaster ride.I did treatments chemo & radiation plus looked after my 3 beautiful daughters who watched me loose my hair n get sick n burned.A year later it came back to the other breast & I chose not to do treatments because I would have to have a different kind of poison.Instead I got a double masectomy n reconstruction done.In the mean time of healing from that I found out that i have the BRCA1 & 2 gene so I proceeded to have a complete historectomy I already have my beautiful ladies I was done having kids.i worked at my job through everything it helped give me the strength to go on.I am so blessed for being a "survivor" and I can help others go through what I've done already!!My next worry is my girls but I know they'll be ok cuz I've showed them how to be strong and there are precautions I will have to take with them.I could not have done this without any of my supporters and I just wanna say thank you & I love you all 😘

Winnipeg, Canada