Cancer will not get me!

November 21, 2007 I will never forget that day. It was the day before Thanksgiving and my husband and I sat in my doctor's office. We were there to find out if the recent biopsy I had was going to carry good or bad news. Was I going to have cancer? The very word just sent chills down my spine. Was my life about to change, take a turn in a road that I really didn't want to take. The news was not good it was cancer. All I could think of was my kids. Was I going to see them grow up, graduate high school? college etc. This big huge dark cloud had just settled down over our lives. I had two types of breast cancer, IDC and DCIS and like many others I am sure, I thought why me??
Fast forward two years, survived chemotherapy, a year of herceptin and surgery. Now cancer free and going strong! I feel through this experience I have grown as a person. Cancer did not beat me, I beat it!

Grosse Pointe Park, MI