Cancer sux!

“Cancer Sux! There is just no nicer way to say it.I thought I was prepared for this journey, I read everything I could, I talk to different people and it really didn’t seem like it was going to be that bad. I had no idea what I was really in for. There are days when I can hardly drag myself out of bed. The throwing up, the nausea, the body pain, and everything else that goes with it, its to much for one person to go through. It’s also not only physically, it’s emotionally. There are so many emotions that go into play with this. Some of the worst part of this too is trying to tell people about it, unless you have been in this position, it’s really hard for someone to understand what you are going through. It’s like I tell people, this is a hell I never knew existed. BUT, there is one person that has been with me through this whole thing, that knows exactly what I have gone through and continue to go through, and that is GOD. He has been with me every step of this journey and he will continue to be there with me. I have cried out to him so many times and each and every time he has heard my prayer.

There’s a saying that goes, “I’m a strong person, but every once and a while I would like someone to take my hand and tell me everything’s going to be alright.” I have an amazing family and friends that tell me that on a regular basis, but most of all, God reassures me that I will get through this!

Kristin West
Bismarck, ND