Cancer Knows No Age

My name is Kylie Romb, I am 27 yrs old and I am in remission. I was diagnosed at just 24 only a year after having my son. The hormones from the pregnancy caused the cancer to form in my milk duct, giving me Ductal carcinoma In situ, which in most cases is precancer and easily removed. In my case it got worse, had spread to most of my lymph nodes and became stage 2 breast cancer. At just 24 I was a mother, wife, and now cancer patient. All I could think was I am too young for this, why did I let it go? Why didn't I follow my instincts and get that lump checked out? Why God, Why? Then I picked my head up and realized that sticking my head into the sand and crying about it wasn't going to make it go away, taking action will get rid of it. So, we were aggressive!! I did 4 rounds of chemo, a lumpectomy followed by a radical right mastectomy, 6 weeks of radiation, then a left mastectomy followed by full reconstructive surgeries. That was a lot to put my body through ,but worth it cause now I am in remission and I get to spend the rest of my life with my son! My advise to every woman I talk to is when in doubt, check it out. It is much better to find out it's nothing than to wait and have it turn into something like I did. I noticed the lump and waited 9 months to go to the doctor because of that it got worse and ended up being the size of an egg. Don't wait and don't ever let anyone tell you it can't be cancer, cancer knows no age, ethnicity, religious beliefs, etc. Cancer is a horrible disease and I pray that one day we will find a cure!!

Kylie Romb
Sharon, SC