Cancer...can't be!!

My doctor asked me if I had a mammagram yet...told her No, that I wasn't ready too have my grapes squished. But a week later my husband found a small lump, and of course I think this is just a cyst. Why of course why would I think of it as cancer, it didn't run in the family. The 1st. mammagram that I had @the age of 55yrs. turned out was suspicious looking. That day I went for a biopsy, two weeks later another biopsy, I had another surgery. Cancer...can't be. I cried for about a week, My husband cried with me,oh it was bad. I phoned family members too see if anybody had breast cancer. Nope just me. I month later with all the nuclear medinces, x-rays, lymphosyntrigaphy, and back too the other hospital and for the final surgery. The lymphnodes were clear and hadn't spread anywhere else in my body. Thank god it was caught early enough that it was just in the tumor. I thank my husband everyday that he went too every surgery, tests, and all radiation treatment(20). Now I'm on Arimidex for 5 yrs. The oncologist said I was cancer free, but at even higher risk now. So I just take 1 day at a time.
I get very depressed, and start feeling sorry for myself, and ask why me.
I do however too bring my spirits back up, I go too my work place and get cheered up by all my co-workers and clients.
It's been hell for me, and probably the rest of you who have much worse than me.
PLEASE GET YOUR MAMMAGRAMS.....better too be safe.

So take care of those breasts and do breast exams.

God bless you all,

Rita Mate
Hope, Canada