brens story

i was diagnosed with breast cancer may 2009. i only know on one person in my family to ever have this it was my grandmother on my dads side.i always got my mammograms done faithfully every year. so this year i thought it was just like any other. boy was i wrong. my doctor called me and said they found something on my mammogram so she wanted me to come in for an ultrasond and other tests so i did. i thought nothing of it i was fine. but then when she called me she told me to come to her office she said you have breast cancer its not the bad type its only the size of a grain of salt. well all i heard was your dying. i was so scared. she did the biopsey it had not spread any where else. on june 30 she did a lumpectomy. and i have done my radiation treatments for 6 weeks .monday the 28 2009 will be my last radiation treatment. i wont say im still not scared because i am. i only know that life is so precious to me. and with gods help and my familys im going to make it. this will be the first year for my cure for cancer walk. i pray that by next year i will be running for the cure. im still afraid but i just take one day at a time.. i wanted to get a full mascectomy when i was first told but me and my doctor had a long talk see she is a breast cancer surviver herself hers was so bad she had to have a full masectomy. so i felt she knew what she was talking about... i was 49 when diagnosed. god bless you all.

toledo, OH