Breast Cancer

I was diagnoised with breast cancer in March of 2009 on my birthday I went through all of my emotions. Well I did have 4 rounds of chemo. and then had my double mastomy and now they are saying they are going to have to go back in and remove some more lymphnodes. Then after 2 weeks of more healing and the drains in. I will be able to continue with my 4 more rounds of chemo. and then 6 weeks of radiation. In the mean time I am under construction for new breast. I had a t-shirt made up to let people know that if I did not want to stuff my bra that day I could wear my t-shirt with pink ribbons on it and my hat and people would know that I have breast cancer and would not look at me funny because there are people who do that. My friend she is a nurse that I work with and she picked me up a button that says cancer sucks so I wear that to. But I keep my chin up and know that I will get through this and I keep that smile on my face. I do have lots of support from family and friends. But I do what somebody out there that does have this going on I will be there for you too. I was so lucky to meet my friend that had gone through the same thing I am going through now, she went through it a year ago and her husband it there for my husband it is a great thing.

Susan Dunn
Clovis, CA