Breast Cancer was no Surprise

In May of 2010, I was diagnosed with Stage 3 invasive lobular carcinoma with 5 large metastatic lymph nodes in my underarm. I had a mammogram just 3 months before that and it was okay. I noticed a sensation in my left breast of extreme heaviness and I was conscious of my breast all day. Then it became sore to touch and felt thickened. My doctor sent me for a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound. The next day I had a biopsy of the 3.5 cm tumor and 1 of my nodes. Two days later I got the diagnosis.
It was no surprise because I have family history and very fibrocystic breast. My mother and sister have had Breast Cancer. What did surprise me was having Stage 3 with 5 large lymph nodes. I really thought I would find it earlier because I have worked in Breast Imaging Centers as a Mammographer for many years. I expected to recognize my own much faster than most. The problem was that lobular is not as easy to find and tends to not show on the mammogram. It is rarely a lump and does not exhibit itself very easily, so that is what happened.
I had a bilateral mastectomy and nodes removed. The biopsies showed 2 precancers in the other breast so it was the right decision. I did not have reconstruction because I wanted to minimize surgeries so I could fight this cancer with all I had. I did not want to compromise my immune system by trying to heal from multiple surgeries. I have been on femara for 3.5 years and had chemo and radiation. Femara is a hormone blocker for hormone positive cancer.
I am doing well so far at almost age 60 and in remission so far. I continue to work and be an advocate for all patients in our facility. Breast Cancer has helped me to grow and to appreciate everyday. My friends and family were and are so supportive. I thank God for them all every day. Life is much sweeter when you are allowed a second chance!!!

Ginny Edwards
Hartsville, SC