Breast Cancer in a small Texas town

It doesn't take long for news to spread in a small town. In this case I beleive that is a good thing.
On August 1, 2008 I got that phone call none of us want," Mrs Ayres you have breast cancer, can you come to the office this afternoon?" I was at work so I told Marie, my boss and sister-in-law Becky who also works for the City. I called my husband then my cousin Lou, who is an RN and we all 3 went to the Doctor. It was a good thing Lou went with us because the shock had not worn off and part of what he told us sounded like the teacher on a Charlie Brown movie. The hardest thing was telling my children. Nickie worked at the hospital next door to the doctors office so she was the first I told. Next was Matt who was in Afghanistan so I sent an email. Last was Leah who was only 10 years old. One of her classmates had lost her mother to cancer only 4 months earlier so this was real hard.
By the end of the next week news had spread. I had surgery on August 11th. People brought food every day for 2 weeks. Meals were brought on the days I had chemo. I received many prayers, flowers, cards, meals and words of encouragement. In November the volunteer fire department, close friends and family held a benefit fish fry to help cover medical expenses. The turn out was amazing enough money was raised to pay all the medical bills. You don't realize how many friends you have until something like this happens. My advise is don't be ashamed to tell people you have cancer because you are going to need the prayers and support.

Gerri Ayres
Holliday, TX