breast cancer at age 22

i was diagnosed a month ago,just doing a routine check and i found my lump an Invasive Ductal Carcinoma.I'm fighting hard to stay strong,still waiting to discuss my second surgery,I'm still waiting for my genetic testing results..i couldn't believe that i would be the one in my family to have breast cancer not that i want anyone to have it,at first i was in shock i thought they took the cancerous lump out and i didn't have cancer anymore, until my mother was telling me we were going to see one of the top ten breast cancer doctors, that's when it hit me that i have breast cancer! i cried that day the most..ever since then i didn't want to cry anymore i wanted to stay strong, i haven't really let out any emotion i go day by day like nothings wrong.i have faith that i will survive this, that i can be that person to go up to someone who will have cancer and i can be a supporter and know what they are going through i can be there for them like my supporters..there are days that i feel like i want to cry and i ask god "why did this have to happen to me? what is happening? i guess things just happen to the best of us. i just wish it didn't happen to me..Now that my journey is starting i can thank god that i will be having treatment and all my results will come back fine and i pray that i do not lose anything, I'm still young and have a lot of things ahead of me.i have my family and friends support as well as the doctors and everyone who will get me back to my healthy self.breast cancer can't win me over

providence, RI