Bottle Caps

My granddaughter was 5 years old when I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She was such a grown up little girl and she was so close to me. She called me Granny Griggs. I still don't know why. Anyway, I had told her before I got so ill, that we were going to go to Disneyland. Well I had to give up my Assistant Manager job at the store I worked for because the chemo made me so ill, and she understood that we were low on money. One day she walked in the house with a handful of money and bottle caps. When I asked her where she got the money, she told me that she was going door to door selling bottle caps to the neighbors so we could go to Disneyland. She must have been doing a good job because she had over $5.00. This so broke my heart and inspired me at the same time. I knew that day that I would get through the chemo, beat the cancer and survive for her. I had a long talk with God after that, and here am 8 years later. A survivor!

My Favorite Charity is Susan G Koman Foundation

Valerie L Lambert

Valerie Lambert
Colorado Springs, CO