Baseball uncovered my breast cancer

Long story short. I was playing baseball with my two sons and missed catching the ball and it hit me in my right hurt but I didnt think much of it. Few weeks later I discovered a lump that felt about the size of a Liam bean. It didn't go away and a month later at my normal annual exam I asked my doctor about it. After a whirl wind of tests, biopsies and mammogram...I heard the words no one wants to hear...I had breast cancer. I had surgery and was diagnosed with stage 2a breast cancer. The strike from the ball caused a sack around the actual tumor...which was only 1cm...but the cancer was aggressive with a multiplication rate of the time they did the surgery it had already moved to a lymph node. I have now completed 6 rounds of chemo and am almost done with radiation. Cancer hasn't slowed me down much...but it has opened my eyes as to how many people love me. I was very lucky to have been hit by that young breast tissue is dense....I would have never found it so early if it wasn't for passing ball with my boys...they are truly my saving grace.

Roberta Hatcher
French Creek, WV