April 25 2014

In December 2013, I was sitting on the floor when my dog Nikki came over and started circling around me, barking the entire time. She jumped in my lap, something which she never does, and started pawing at the area that would soon be discovered by a routine mammogram in March 2014.

I had an ultrasound and biopsy & was told before I left from having the biopsy that I had cancer.
I had my first surgery in June. They told me that I have stage II invasive ductile carcinoma. The tumor was 1.8 and was aggressive. I had 19 lymph nodes removed and only 3 were cancerous. The margins were not cleared after the first surgery, so I had a second surgery in July.

I began chemo in August and tried to stay off of the internet to avoid any preconceived ideas of side effects. Chemo was hard, but the Neulasta shot was worse. I had bone-crushing pain that I have never felt before. Losing my hair was difficult, but I decided to shave my head and have SOME control over things.

I was unable to complete chemo because I broke out in hives all over & some were about the size of golf balls. I ended up in the ER 2 times. I began radiation about a month after my last chemo treatment, which is where I am now. I have 7 of 34 rounds of radiation to go. My hair is slowly growing back and I am finally taking a week off of work to rest. Radiation makes me very tired, but is not nearly as bad as chemo. I begin taking Tamoxifen for 10 years after I complete radiation.

Everyone has told me that I have "The right attitude" about this. You either decide to fight or not. Those are the choices. I love my family and friends. I have a lot to live for and refuse to give up, so for now I fight. God has his plan for me. That I am sure of.

Terri Livingston
Boynton Beach, FL