Angels Among Us

Sometimes life brings a turn that isn't expected or welcomed but nonetheless, part of our journey. My life was cruising along with a devoted husband, three healthy sons and a rewarding teaching career. Then in an instant, a dark cloud surrounded my life. At 43 years old, I had breast cancer and a battle to wage.
During my masectomy and months of aggressive chemotherapy, I wasn't always able to do the routine tasks of life. I felt tired, weak and sometimes depressed. This is when my "angels" took over.
My husband was my support angel. He was always there to lift my spirits and remind me of everything I had to live for. My mom became my inspiration angel. She was a twenty year breast cancer survivor. I had watched her go through a similar battle. Yet, there she was helping with meals, laundry and giving me the hope that I would survive. My oldest son donated blood for me. The shopping became my middle son's job for several months and at nine years old, my youngest son, would lay and watch TV with me. My boys were my most caring angels. My best friend always brought laughter to me. (Of course, I was bald) She sent me a card with an old photo of us at a school function dressed as clowns. I had on a wild, black wig. The card was signed..."And you thought you were having a bad hair day today!!!" I so needed that laughter angel. I had so many other friends that for months brought meals, sent cards and lifted such appreciated prayers.
I felt blessed to have so many angels to guide and help me on my journey. Eventhough, this was 14 years ago, these angels on earth have touched my life forever.

Jennifer Griffin
Cameron, MO