am i gonna die...

when i first found out i had breast cancer, i found a lump which usally went away but for some reason it didnt this time and now i know why i went to the clinic in my town, yes there was a lump as big as a half dollar.i went for a mamogram and then they sent me for a biopsy and i waited for the results and when they called and said it was possitve for cancer i felt the blood run from my face and i started to cry, am i gonna die was all i could think of for the next year and a half. but i met the best nurses navagater for cancer paitients her name is betsy rice she held my hand through every test and helped me to believe that i was gonna live. i had the chemo first to see if they could srink the lump , but that didnt work so they removed the lump, only to find more so the next step was to remove the whole breast was i scared yes but i belived in my doctor and my surgent and mostly my friend besty,i went for the appointment to remove one breast but went home and thought about how it would be to have only one breastonly to have to come back in a year to remove the other. so i called my doctor and told her that i changed my mind i want both removed and on july 09 i had them both removed after that i healed and went to radiation for 6 weeks and on sept.23rd i was cancer free how i survived every day was becuz of my gran children and my kids, and im gonna live to see my 7 gran kids grow up.

donnajean contreras
bridgeport, CT