Always believe, always love, always forgive and always live for today.

I was diagnosed with stage 2 her2 positive breast cancer in 2012, I was 40, single two beautiful children Taryn and Calyn. I remember clearly the words from the doctors mouth, please do not hate me you have breast cancer. I remember looking up at him with tears rolling down my face, and next half hour I sat in the room with my best friend Jeanette and cried. On the way home I called my big sister and as a nurse she bravely said we will get through this. I was numb, alone, scared and I just kept hearing those words. How could I tell my kids and family we were already going through lung cancer with my dad, finally calling my big brother we told mum the news, the look in here eyes and she was in shock, we left it to her to tell dad and from that moment the bond between me and my parents became the strongest it had ever been, especially me and dad. I moved in and we went through treatments and appointments, we shared some of the most amazing and private moments. Over the next few months he got worse and In June he went back in for a blood transfusion and he got worse, we called in the family and spent the next three nights by his bedside, and were there when he took his last breath we played slim dusty for him. Saying goodbye was not easy, and then a gift was given to me from my dad , a picture of me and my kids with love dad on it, I cried for hours. I decided I can not keep going through this and all though I had chemo and radiation and had no sign of it returning at my recent mammogram and biopsy I feel I can not take any more chances. Am now eating healthy, exercising and in the new year will have my double masectomy and reconstruction. Now everyday I live with more love, hope, determination and positivity then I ever have.

Carol Ward
Ingham, Australia