All the Same but Only Different

I am new to this! After 18 wonderful years together, we decided to get married! We went down to Costa Rica with our son and got married April 14th, 2014. The lump in my right breast was killing me when I was down there so when I arrived back to Canada made an appoint with my doctor for the 23rd! His words were "We already know it is nothing sinister. We had a mammogram of it last year and came back clear." He kept arguing with me then I decided that it was easier to believe him than force the issue! I started to walk out and returned pushing the door open! I said " There is a lump in my breast the size of a golf ball and it hurts like hell and now my breast is all distorted because of it. I want another mammo along with an ultrasound." He made the appointment for those plus the biopsies and on May 15th I was diagnosed with Invasive Ductal Carcinoma with it spreading to the auxillary nymph node! Our world turned upside down! Next it was the blood tests, bone scans, cat scans and the Mri. As you all know it was the waiting for the results that drove me to near insanity. I got the results from them and it has not spread beyond my node! I met with my oncologist on May 2, 2014 for my course of action. For my case, i will do 5 treatments of chemo every three weeks to shrink the tumors, surgery to remove the tumors and to remove my fallopian tubes and ovaries ( I am ER+, PR+, HER-) and then off to radiation. I had my picc put in at 1030 on May 3, 2014 and had my first chemo treatment the same day at 1:00pm! Bang! Bang! Everything fell in to place! My husband has been my rock, and my son has been my strength! I am 48 years old and I plan to have a long beautiful life with my family I have been blessed to have!

Blairmore, Canada