Adapt and Overcome

In the spring of 2010, I was experiencing extreme pain in my lower back. I thought it was from weight gain and sciatica. I had recently been on steroids for terrible poison ivy, so when I went to my Dr. with pain that I thought was Sciatic, he did not agree with my self-diagnosis. He indicated that my sciatic pain would have been helped by the steroid I was on for the poison ivy. He sent me for a scan thinking that maybe I had a slipped disc or something, and found that my sacrum was close to three times the size it was supposed to be. Neurosurgeon would not perform any surgery without a biopsy.

CT guided biopsy returned breast cancer. I could not understand why breast cancer would be in my spine, not to mention how a 31 year old gets breast cancer. I immediately made an appointment with MSKCC in New York, and transferred all my test results to them as well.

Turns out, I had stage IV breast cancer. It was in my lungs, liver, lymph nodes, and breast and of course spine. My Dr. explained to me that when breast cancer spreads to the bone that it is automatically stage IV, and that having a lumpectomy or mastectomy would not increase my lifespan or health in anyway, but it was my choice. I chose not to have the surgery at that time. I received radiation therapy to help shrink the tumor in my sacrum, and relieve the pain I was in.

After further testing we found out that I was extremely estrogen receptive and that by starving the cancer of its food source, that I could live for a long time with cancer. 4 ½ years later my cancer is very stable, and I go for scans and follow ups every 6-9 months.

My daughter was 8 at the time & me and my boyfriend had been dating for 6 years. Four+ years later, my daughter is enjoying her tween years, and I married that boyfriend – who will always be my best friend.

New City, NY