A Teacher's Journey of Hope

His small clenched hand thrust into mine and released a few small coins. I stare down at a nickel, a dime, and few pennies, "This is to help you beat cancer Mrs. Greer", he says excitedly. I give him a hug and a thank you with my heart so full of love, it spills out in tears. I'm greeted at the office with a child's prized piggy bank full of coins. "She wants you to have this Mrs. Greer How can I accept such sacrifice?

I am overwhelmed with emotion as I bring my treasures back to my classroom. I set the piggy bank on my shelf and the coins in a cedar box on my window sill along with a green lifesaver, a small broken candy cane, a couple of quarters, a dollar bill...all sacrificial gifts from the heart to help Mrs. Greer "beat cancer". I feel their hugs, see their sparking eyes, hear their well wishes, and I know I have to beat this cancer...and I will.

Every time I think of this even today, two years later, my heart is filled with tears. Three years ago I was diagnosed with stage 4 metastatic HER 2 Breast Cancer.

I'm a teacher in a small community with limited resources. Due to finances I needed to continue to work and trust the doctors here at home rather than pursue answers in other places. Throughout chemo, bi-lateral mastectomy, radiation and reconstruction I continued to trust my God and my doctors.

I believe the key to recovery was trust in my doctors, my faith, support and prayers from family and friends, and continuing to pour out my life to my school children. To this day I receive hugs, smiles, and love from my students who bring such delight to my life. Keep the hope!


Diane Greer
Prescott, AZ