A strange life saver

From age thirty five, the Gynecologist wanted me to get yearly mammograms. So, for many years I was faithful to make and keep those appointments. However, one year, we did not have insurance and our income was low, so I put it off.
One morning, two months past time for a regular mammogram, I was sitting on the couch during my morning devotion and prayer time. All at once, I was startled by a crashing sound. When I looked up, I saw that a large glass flower vase across the room from me shattered into pieces and fell where it stood. From what I could see, it apparently shattered for no reason as the house was quiet and no one else was there. It sure had my attention. Was it a coincidence or did a small crack finally give way to make it shatter right at that moment? In any case, I took time to clean up the pieces and go about my daily routine.
I received a notice in the mail the next day that I was overdue for a mammogram. Instinctively, I called to schedule a mammogram that week. It was a good thing as it showed a suspicious area on my left breast and immediately I was given an ultrasound. Needless to say, I went in for a needle biopsy the next day that detected cancer. Within three days I was pressed to make a decision to have a partial lumpectomy or mastectomy for first stage breast cancer. However, in either case, lymph nodes would have to be removed.
It has been ten years since my mastectomy and treatment. I encourage women to have regular mammograms "on time". Are there both guardian angels and lifesaving mammograms? You decide!

Susan J. Bucholtz
South Bend, IN