A new trial for a greater testimony

Seven years ago my Husband was diagnosed with a bone tumor in his right shoulder. Due to his illness we relocated to Virginia that he could receive the best medical treatment available. Just when we thought all was well and started the rebuilding of our broken foundation. On Feb. 05, 2014 I was diagnosed with stage one breast cancer at that moment I thought I was in the middle of a bad dream. The main bread winner and only real means of support for household our hopes and dreams were instantly shattered due to my new diagnosis. My thoughts were how are we going to survive now, who's going to support our three children, and if something were to happen to us who's going to be there for our children, your mind just goes crazy at that moment. I pulled myself together with the support of family and limited amount of friends and told my problem my GOD is much bigger than this and the battle began. I had a lumpectomy on Feb. 19, 2014 and OIT radiation and I'm on my last round of chemo and as of today I am cancer free. I know if we made it this far by faith there's a bigger blessing at the end of these trials for our testimony. Thank You GOD. What a mighty mighty GOD we serve.

Tameshia Jeffers
Suffolk, VA