A New Road

I found out that I had Breast Cancer in Nov. of 2009 at age 34. It is invasive ductual carcinoma, poorly differentiated, grade III. It was a very aggressive tumor and it had spread to my lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy a week after I found out that I had Cancer and now I am going through Chemo. On Saturday night I had to ask my boyfriend to shave my hair off because my head hurt to have it touched. I laughed and cried through the process as my two older daughters watched. It feels better and I seem to be getting through Chemo pretty good. Being diagnosed with Cancer ...is life changing. It makes you cry, question God, you get scared, makes you feel very alone, and you beg God for your life and tell him all the reasons why you want to be here.. At the same time you open the door to great relationships and caring people who want to be a part of your life and see you through your changes. These people have a true gift of compassion and I would say that if you have Cancer, allow them into your life. I am so amazed of what Cancer does not only to the person with Cancer, but the people that are in contact with a cancer patient. A new bond is made , a new life begins. My three daughters and I talk more, we pray together, we volunteer to help others and I feel blessed. I have made new friends, who I cherish. God and I, oh we talk alot, that is for sure. I thank him for everyday I stay on this side of the grass. Cancer is a New Road, I pray for all who travel it.

El Dorado, KS