A different path

My name is Beth, and I have a little boy named Tiger that turned 6 years old this last October. Tiger is my life, he was created out of love, faith and a bit of a miracle. My husband was diagnosed with colon cancer when he was 32 years old. He underwent surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Then we met, fell in love, and planned for the future. My husbands cancer returned with fierce aggression and he underwent surgery on both lungs and chemotherapy again. By Gods blessing and his doctors ok, I became pregnant with Tiger. We had never been happier. After finding out we were having a boy we found out more devastating news. Scott's cancer was back, this time in the brain and bone. We fought it as much as any two people could fight, and tried not only his regular oncologist, but also U of M and Chicago. With many tears and my heart breaking, Scott passed away September 29, 2007. He just missed his 35th birthday. I had Tiger (who is named after the Detroit Tigers, his dad was a huge fan) the day after Scott's funeral. Bittersweet was more than just an emotion for me, I lived that way until I realized my baby would learn of his sweet father and our love from me, so everyday we bring up at least one memory so he will know the true nature and character and legacy his father left behind. February 25, 2014 I found out I have bilateral invasive ductal carcinoma. I am 33 years old. I have recently undergone a bilateral mastectomy. I will start chemotherapy April 17th and am preparing myself for the battle of my life. By the grace of God, and the loving attention of my friends and family I truly feel this is a fight I can win. From the outpouring of love from my small community, and everything that has been done to make our lives run as smooth as possible, I thank you. To my kick butt cancer team, I thank you. To everyone showing support, thank you.

Elizabeth Russell
Ashley, MI