A diagnosis for me that took my mother. Cancer.

In 1999 my mother died from triple negative breast cancer. Diagnosed when she was 48 she fought a good fight for 4 years. I stood by her side through every Dr. appointment and every treatment. The night she died I held her hand and watched as she took her last breath. I miss my mother every day especially since I have been diagnosed with the same cancer that took her from me. She was and is my insperation.
On October 15th, after having a mammogram, I was told I had breast cancer. I remember walking into the Dr's office to get my results. A doctor and a nurse brought me into a room and asked that I be seated. The next words I heard were " Mrs. Holland I'm sorry to inform you that you have breast cancer." Basically in shock I didn't hear to much after that. My mind couldn't grasp the fact that I now had cancer. After a biopsy confirming the worst I was scheduled for surgery. I chose a bi-lateral mastectomy, because of my history. It wasn't until they sent the cancerouse tissue off, I found out it was triple negative, a very agressive breast cancer. I am on chemo and should be done by the end of July. Like my mother, I refuse to let cancer rule my life. I have full range of motion and I'm getting new "foobs" in September. I will beat this. I'm a hunter and fisher woman and love the outdoors. This is not my death sentence but a challenge that has made me stronger and will continue to do so. I am hunting in 2 weeks and camping this summer. Thanks to all my doctors and nurses, family and friends, I have hope for the future.
I want to let other women know this is treatable with early detection. This disease knows no age and has no limits. Go get checked! To all you women fighting this disease.... We CAN beat it.... We WILL win.

Teresa Holland
colorado springs, CO