A Decade of Survival

On November 19, 2014 marks my 10th anniversary of being Breast Cancer Free! I was only 27 years old when I was diagnosed with Stage 2 breast cancer.

My obgyn doctor found my lump during a routine exam. Due to my young age I was told not to worry it was most likely a fibrosis tumor (non cancerous). My mammogram revealed 2 additional lumps but I was still told to not be alarmed it was not uncommon for young girls to have multiple fibroids at one time.

At this point I was freaking out. My biopsy revealed that 2 of the lumps were fibroids but the 3rd tested positive for cancer. I was devastated and remember crying all night after getting the news. My daughter was only 22 months old and all I could think about was not seeing her grow up and wondering if she would remember me if I passed away.

My battle was long and hard. Even though I had my entire breast removed and went thru 6 rounds of chemo I was still only given a 55% survival rate. Thanks to early detection, an aggressive treatment plan and God's grace I was able to beat cancer.

Im sharing my story with you to encourage and inform you that cancer is not a death sentence. With early detection it is treatable and survivable! Getting your regular check ups, doing self exams and knowing your family history are all important things that we all should be doing. Be PROACTIVE when it comes to your health!

R. Burfict
Sacramento, CA